“Mengong 2022 Festival:
10 Bloggers shortlisted to put the event on the lamp light”
10 bloggers form the Cameroun bloggers association are
getting ready for the live coverage of the Mengong two weeks long festival. The
selected few are skilled and experienced bloggers namely
1. Ndoumou Huguette Michèle
Christel Youbi
Ndefru Melanie
4. Wokam Kamdem Klove Diana
5. Frank Parfait Namekong
6. Fawoh Nancy
7. Badal Fohmoh
8. Boutchouang Nghomsi Chanceline
9. Randy Kimbi
10. Fabrice Bwamou
This year Belinga Foundation ” Bia So Mengong” festival is an
opportunity to promote local culture through language, sport, games, cuisine,
sport and traditional dances”. Animations, games, culinary competitions,
sports meetings and other attractions.
This menu of the
Cultural Festival “Bia So Mengong” of “The Belinga
Foundation” is accompanied by the Ministry of Arts and Culture and the
local Council
Front July 16, the Mengong municipally will
be vibrating with engaging activities portraying the attractiveness of the
area. This jamboree will start with the official launch is scheduled for Saturday
through the presence of traditional, political and religious authorities.
A football tournament, a mini-marathon, a
miss contest, a choral contest, Songho games and other activities are planned
during the cultural fortnight. Every evening, entertainment will be at the