Trained for more than three years in fact-checking and especially in the fight against hate speech and stigmatisation of some communities and ethnic groups, Francophone and Anglophone bloggers met on Friday 18 March 2022, under the auspices of the Cameroon Bloggers Association and Defyhatenow.
Depuis 2016, une crise a été déclenchée dans les régions du Sud-Ouest et du Nord-Ouest au Cameroun, entrainant des dérives sur les réseaux sociaux, des insultes et des discours de haine entre quelques individus de différentes communautés. Très vite, l’organisation « Defyhatenow » s’est mise en partenariat avec l’Association des Blogueurs du Cameroun pour former les blogueurs à plus d’éthique dans leur comportement numérique.
These numerous workshops and seminars have helped train pioneers capable of putting content online, avoiding fake news and hate speech. However, it became clear that French and English speaking bloggers had been organising themselves in isolation. Defyhatenow decided to take this situation in hand and to advocate for a connection between bloggers of both languages.

To this end, English-speaking bloggers met on Friday 18 March with President DANIA EBONGUE, and his vice-president Thierry Didier KUICHEU, representing the Cameroon Bloggers Association, to answer questions and concerns of some bloggers from the English-speaking community present at the meeting. It appears that the lack of communication has been a real hindrance between the two communities, and yet there is a strong will to integrate the ABC.
Dès le mois d’Avril 2022, Defyhatenow investira quelques villes du Cameroun notamment les villes de Buea, Bafoussam et Bamenda pour sensibiliser la communauté des blogueurs de langue anglaise à prendre massivement des adhésions à l’ABC.
This is the commitment made by Desmond NGALA, Cameroon manager of Defyhatenow, so that the resolution of the Anglophone crisis begins with the blogging community.